A little bit about Me

Santa Monica, CA
Hi Everyone and welcome to my blog! I hope you enjoy reading about my life, business, and of course...looking at my photos. Feel free to always leave comments and contact me. Much Love! Ellen

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

One more picture!

Here is another picture from my afternoon in the park with Sarah, Ryan, and Kia. This picture speaks a THOUSAND words in my opinion and shows how much little Kia loves her mommy and daddy. She was the cutest! I am still working on this session and will have a full blog of pictures soon.

To all of my Jewish friends and family...Shana Tova....Happy New Year!

Monday, September 29, 2008

This Week - I'm back

I took a bit of a vacation last week from my blog and from editing any pictures in general. I really needed the rest actually, so it turned out to be a blessing in disguise that Lee needed every minute at the computer to write his papers. Today though, he gets his new computer and lovingly turns over the MAC to me so that I can go to town editing a TON of pictures that I've taken over the last month. I have NY pics to still work on, Sarah & Ryan's shoot, the wedding with Sweet Monday, and Graham's 1st birthday shoot from yesterday which was so absolutely adorable and fun! So, tonight I should have at least one sneak peak picture to show - thank goodness. I was beginning to have photoshop withdrawals :) Happy Monday!!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Computer War

So the reason I haven't been posting too many pictures lately is that Lee & I have been fighting (not literally) over the use of our beautiful MAC desktop computer. The screen is huge and the capacity is great which is why we both NEED to use it all the time :) The only other computer is our house is a 13" MAC laptop that is old and warn, but great for surfing the Internet and listening to Itunes. Since Lee went and got himself into USC's Healthcare Administration Grad program and is working his BUTT off in class, I have such a hard time asking him to get off the computer so that I can edit pictures...especially when he's writing a 20 page paper!! However, since the happiness of our future depends on both of our success, Lee will be purchasing a brand new MAC PRO laptop that he can take to class AND use at home. You know what that means? The desktop computer will be all MINE and this blog will be flooded with pictures in the weeks to come. WooWoo!

Tomorrow I am shooting a wedding in Malibu with the F-A-B-ulous women of Sweet Monday Photography. I am beside myself with excitement, so check back in the next week or so for some pics.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Sunday afternoon in the Park - sneak peak

I only had time to work on one picture last night from my fun portrait session on Sunday. I needed to get a picture over to my client Sarah for a project that she's working on. So here she is...meet Sarah. Isn't she lovely?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

There will be pictures soon!

I have been sick in bed for the last four days, so that is why I have no pictures to share :( I didn't even touch my computer this past weekend, except to print directions to a photo shoot with the super fun and extremely photogenic Sarah, Ryan, and Kia on Sunday. I am feeling much better today and will be working on those pictures tonight so I should at least have a sneak peak by tomorrow - YAY! I also need to post my helicopter ride pictures from NYC and my brother's birthday pictures from August...WOW I'm behind!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

My new logo

Look up! It's my new logo!!! After many weeks of going back and forth with designs, Heidi Kruger and I came up with a design that I'm quite happy with. Many wonderful things to come with this great new logo!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Beverly Fund and Stand up to Cancer

Since today is September 11th and I'm blogging, first and foremost I want to take a minute to remember all of the thousands of people who were lost to severe tradgedy 7 years ago today. I was living in NYC, and like everyone else there, I was devistated by what happened on 9/11/01. NYC changed forever, as did the state of our country. I can only hope that we always remember the many people who lost their innocent lives to such an unexplainable sadness. Hopefully my children, neices and nephews never have to experience anything as horrific.

On a more cheerful note, I want to introduce all of my blog readers to The Beverly Fund and Stand up to Cancer. The Beverly Fund was founded by my wonderful sister in law, Tracy Sestili, as a tribute to her mom (Beverly) who died of lung cancer almost 3 years ago. Tracy has done an amazing job with the Beverly Fund and increasing lung cancer awareness in the community. She even won The Jefferson Award in San Francisco for her efforts and community service.

Last Friday, Tracy and my brother Paul visited me here in LA because Tracy won the grand prize from Stand up to Cancer's telethon contest. She was part of the celebrity phone bank, which took in millions of dollars in donations for cancer research and funding. Not sure if you watched the telethon, but Stand up to Cancer is an organization that was started by Katie Couric and some other very well known women in the entertainment business. Tracy got to spend the whole day hanging out with some really big celebrities and educating them about lung cancer in a way only she can - it's amazing! She got many of them to autograph some TiVo devices that she will be auctioning off for the Beverly Fund. I will keep everyone posted on when that will take place! If you are interested in helping fight cancer (lung or otherwise) please check out these websites.

Here are a few pics we took with Tracy's camera last Friday. My brother and I were Tracy's "talent guests" and got to hang with her in the green room all day...it was quite fun!

Tracy, me, and my bro

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I'm back!!

I am finally back from vacation and back to the world of the living, working, and stressing :) Lee and I had an amazing vacation in NYC complete with a Yankee Game, a helicopter ride around Manhattan, and a day at the US Open....it was glorious! We caught up with all of our friends, had some great meals (John's Pizza - OMG!), and got to just enjoy walking around. Unfortunately, Lee spent a ton of time in the hotel room writing a paper that was due for one of his classes, so I got some quality time with my friends and shopping - ha!

I am surprised to say that I didn't take a ton of pictures while we were there since most of what we did was just walk around and I didn't want to carry the camera with me. I did however, get some great pics of the events we attended and of the helicopter ride. I will share those in the next few days.

As far as my business goes, I should be unveiling my new logo this week which I'm really excited about. I am working on my website design as well, so that will all come together in the next few weeks...YAY!

I am taking some very cool classes at SMC starting this month, so you'll all get to see the benefits of that in my photographs over the next few months.

Also, I'm shooting a wedding with Sweet Monday Photography on September 20th in Malibu which I'm SUPER excited for and can't WAIT to get to :)

In the next few weeks, I'll be announcing something BIG, so definitely stay tuned for that!

On another note, this past Sunday I saw an AMAZING documentary called "America the Beautiful". It's about Americans obsession with being beautiful at ANY cost - eating disorders, plastic surgery, cosmetics causing cancer, etc. It was a bit frightening, but I honestly think it's a MUST see - MUST MUST, especially for parents - seasoned or new. The media will never change their obsession with how people look, so it's up to parents to help their children (especially girls) to see the beauty within themselves and others. Please see this movie if you can!